Monday, May 18, 2009


Well, we finished soccer and are now on to Bam Bam Ball. I think he is going to enjoy this much more because it isn't so much contact with other kids! The rules of Bam Bam Ball are different than t-ball, but it is just to get the kids in the habit of running to the bases, instead of running to get the ball after they hit it, and going after the ball when someone hits it.

Each player bats once every inning. They use the big plastic bat and a rubber ball on two coffee cans taped together.

Brady's first hit went to right field! 

Daddy was standing at first base directing traffic (there was a parent at each base letting kids know where to go). As you can see, Brady decided it was a long run and needed to take a break to sit and draw in the dirt! :)

The bases weren't shortened for the little guys, so it was a long way to run, and it didn't help that the wind was blowing (plus, I think he may have gotten his speed, or lack there of, from his momma)!

Brady's coach was standing at home plate to give everyone a high five when they made it all the way around. When the last batter came up, that kid had to run all the way around the bases, which was a LONG way for little legs. Brady happened to be the last batter one time.

When it was their turn to be in the field, the all lined up at the pitcher's mound. The first one in line fielded the ball and took it to put it on the tee (or cans) and then went in the dugout until they were all done.

Brady has great coaches! They are so patient with the kids and do a great job of explaining what to do each time they are required to do something!