We got to go watch some more cement trucks again today. Brady likes watching them, and was really into playing in the dirt. He was having fun throwing stuff in the mud puddles, so needless to say, he is getting a bath today. He was also excited to see where his bedroom and Bree's bedroom are going to be. They poured the driveway today, since it wasn't dry enough yesterday, and the are also working on the framing. The basement has a basic frame for the walls and they were almost done putting the floor trusses on when we were there this morning. It was a great day to go because Mike didn't have to be at work until 10:15 since his morning

meeting was cancelled. So, he got to go with us and watch. Bree was even intent on watching the big trucks, probably for the noise. She is still crawling, and has figured out she can pretty much get anywhere she wants, but it takes her a LONG time. She is our little turtle right now, but I am sure that will change, unless she is anything like her mother! Brady is doing great with the potty training! He didn't have any accidents yesterday, except when he went out with Daddy for ice cream and to watch the trains. Today, he has done pretty well, also. He did have an accident when we went to watch the cement trucks, so

I think he doesn't understand that he needs to go to the potty at other places than our apartment. We are going to have to work on that. He is still going poop on the potty as well, so that is awesome! One less poopy diaper to worry about. The bottom picture is of the west side of the house, where Brady and Bree will have their rooms. Check out the latest house pictures by clicking on the link.
1 comment:
Brady's so funny! I asked him about the house when he was over and he was talking on and on about cement. It was cute. :)
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