Well...our weekend started out pretty wet to say the least! On Friday morning, the kids and I had some errands to run, so about 10:30, we decided to venture out. WRONG! I noticed that in the parking lot in front of ours, there was a LOT of water and thought that was strange. Then, I got to the end of the driveway and the street was covered with water. Looking back, I probably could have made it, but I was chicken. I have seen all those horror stories on tv where someone has tried to drive through water and stuck, or even worse, swept away. I decided I didn't want to try it with two kids because I didn't want to have to carry both of them through water and I
wasn't sure how deep it was. So, we went back to the apartment to get tennis shoes and socks (I had flip-flops on) and get the stroller and venture out on a walk. By the time I got back out, which was about 30 minutes later, the water was up to our parking lot. I moved my car to higher ground and prayed that it would be safe! Brady kept saying, "I want to play in the lake." As the day went on, it got higher and higher. Finally, in the afternoon, I called Steph for help, yet again. She has saved us in the past many times (in other cases). She came and got us and took us to her house. By that time, the water was up to our building. Jared and Steph were nice enough to let us crash at their house for the night. We don't know what we would do without great friends like them! In the pictures, you can see a progression of the flood on the car. That is the parking lot in front of ours. By the end of the flood, you could only see the roof of this car. I didn't really get a picture because when we left, it was to that point, and my hands were full of bags and kids, so I didn't get any pictures. :) When we got up the next morning, we decided to come home and see what the damage was, if any. Luckily, we drove right up to our building. My car was fine, our apartment was fine, and all was good in the Kruger house again!
As for our house, it is geting even more exciting. It is hard to go there and leave. We all just want to be in for good, especially after the flood experience! Today, I think the plan is to put in the front door. All the mudding should be done on the drywall. They hope to get all the doors installed this week. On Thursday and Friday, they plan to prime and texture the walls, set cabinets and start putting up trim. I will try to post more pictures of it as more things get completed. They have also gotten siding on the entire back of the house, except the dining room. There is siding on other places, too, but with all the rain, it has been difficult to get too much accomplished.
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