Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Prodigal Son (according to a 3 year old)

Every Wednesday night during the school year, we try to make it to D6, our church's family ministry. We have been fortunate to be in a church that offers programs such as D6, which comes from Deuteronomy 6. This year has been awesome! It is the first year that Brady has really been able to remember most of the parts of the story and then tell us about it. The Bible story teacher in his class is also the pastor at our church, which has been awesome. He is absolutely great with the kids! Anyway, he is very animated in telling the stories, or so it seems from the expressions Brady uses when he retells the story (and I have heard from others who are in the class helping). Below is the conversation that Brady and I had after D6 tonight. The Bible story was from Luke 15:19-24.

Me: What was the story that Pastor Troy told you tonight?

Brady: It was about crying and being happy. And then he took all the money and then he looked in his bag and the money was all gone. And then he went to the store to find some food and money and then there wasn't any and then he went back to the store and there was some.

Me: What happened after he found food in the bag?

Brady: Cause then he looked and there was some, so he took some home to his Daddy. And then he said, "Tickle, tickle." (not sure what part of the story involves tickling, but according to a 3 year-old, there is tickling!)

Me: Did you run home? (I asked this because one of the teachers told me they ran home when Pastor Troy told them to).

Brady: Yeah. I just had to run home quick with Pastor Troy in the circle. And then, Pastor Troy just throwed me up in the air with Gabe and all my other friends. (Pastory Troy must have been pretty tired after throwing all the friends in the air...there are 20 friends in his class!)

It is so interesting to see what he has to say after he comes out of class, and even when I find it hard to believe, it turns out that he is mostly right when he tells me something. (One time he told me Pastor Troy brought a bird in to the class, and he really had!)


As I mentioned in a previous post, I love having a girl so I can do her hair in lots of fun ponytails! So, I thought I would post a few pictures of some of the different ones. I think today is one of my favorites and yes, she will sit and let me do it, as long as she is watching something on tv and sitting up on the bar stool (which she hasn't figure out how to get down off yet!). I love to play with her hair. I tried to french braid it, but I don't know how to that well, and her hair is so slippery that it wasn't staying very well in the braid. Anyway, here are some recent "dos."

Not sure why she was unhappy, other than that I probably just put her down and she didn't want to be! Not one of my favorites, but still cute. :)

My mom used to do this to my hair when I was younger.

Probably my second favorite. I love putting in multiple ponytails! You can't really see it, but she has two on each side that are connected.

This one is my favorite! However, when you look at her from the back, she looks much older with this hairdo (until you see her little girl bouncy run)!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The white blanket conversation

Brady was having a very hard day today! He didn't want his dad to leave after lunch (because it is SOOO terrible to be at home with mom!), so he was having a melt down, a very tired boy melt down. So we were sitting on his bed talking and this is what the conversation was like. I love how he processes things and and expresses what he is thinking!

Brady: I want my white blanket from the closet. (the blanket he loves to fall asleep with and chews on the corner until there are holes and feathers go everywhere)

Me: We need to take it to Nana's to fix it, so we can't get it out right now. We will take it with us when we go on Friday.

Brady: But I want her to come to our house today and fix it.

Me: No, we will take it with us when we go on Friday and have her fix it.

Brady: But why did she have to change it to the new blanket? (He used to have a smaller version of this blanket that Aunt Robin brought back from Copenhagen, but he chewed holes in all 4 corners more times than could be fixed and Aunt Robin brought back a bigger version when he got a bigger bed. He thinks we left it at Nana's house because it was chewed so badly that it is beyond repair. It is actually in our basement boxed up so I can pull it out at his graduation. :) Anyway, he thinks that Nana somehow magically changed that blanket to the new, bigger one.)

Me: What? She didn't change it. Aunt Robin gave you a new one because your old one didn't fit on your bed and your old one is broken. We can't fix it.

Brady: But I want the old white blanket that is at Nana's house.

Me: We can't fix the old one. We will take the new one to her house when we go on Friday.

Brady: But I want friends to come over tonight.

Funny how things came full circle to a new topic. I think it was more of a "I'm so tired, but don't want you to leave because then I might actually fall asleep" type of conversation! Below are some pictures of the infamous white blanket!
I know it is crazy, but he actually fell asleep sitting up with the "white blanket" in hand. Just goes to show you can go to sleep anywhere if you have the right tools!

If you look closely, you will see how nasty the corners look from being chewed on!

Once again, the white blanket is the answer to all sleeping problems! :) Doesn't he look so sweet when he is asleep?!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Once again...

So, it has been awhile since I have updated this, so here it goes. We have been keeping pretty busy and for the most part, healthy, with a few minor illnesses that didn't keep us down for long. It seems like we have had a ton of doctors appointments though.

Bree just had her 18 month check-up last week (only 2 months late), and is still growing. She is actually low on the growth charts, but growing at a steady rate, so no worries. She was 9 percentile for weight, 37 percentile for height, and 72 percentile for head size! Brady has had similar numbers, so as Mike says, we have "bobbleheads" for kids! As she has grown, so has her hair, which has been so fun for me. I love trying different ponytail styles in her hair, because no matter what you do, she looks so cute! (maybe I am biased)

Brady has been on a roll lately with his story telling. Here is an actual conversation we had the other day, and Papa Richard is in trouble for this one (even though he says he doesn't remember telling Brady this)!

Me: Wash your hands and dry them.

Brady (shaking his hands after washing): I don't need to use the towel. This is how Papa did it when he was a little boy like me. He just shaked them so they would dry. That is what he told me.

Me: Which Papa?

Brady: Papa Richard.

Me: Well, you can't always listen to what Papa Richard tells you. Sometimes it might get you in trouble! :)

Brady: Yeah, he is pretty funny sometimes!

Amazing what he comes up with! Papa Richard and Aunt Robin have been in most of the stories lately...not sure if that is such a good thing! :)

Here are some pictures, since it has been so long. My goal is to try to do a better job of updating at least a couple times per week. We will see if that actually happens or not! :)
Having smooties on a Saturday morning, which has become a weekend ritual at our house.
Having smooties on a Saturday morning, which has become a weekend ritual at our house.
Bree is also known as the "Princess" in the Kruger house!

This is his stash of snowballs that we made and Brady was so anxiously waiting for Daddy to come home!