Monday, February 16, 2009

Once again...

So, it has been awhile since I have updated this, so here it goes. We have been keeping pretty busy and for the most part, healthy, with a few minor illnesses that didn't keep us down for long. It seems like we have had a ton of doctors appointments though.

Bree just had her 18 month check-up last week (only 2 months late), and is still growing. She is actually low on the growth charts, but growing at a steady rate, so no worries. She was 9 percentile for weight, 37 percentile for height, and 72 percentile for head size! Brady has had similar numbers, so as Mike says, we have "bobbleheads" for kids! As she has grown, so has her hair, which has been so fun for me. I love trying different ponytail styles in her hair, because no matter what you do, she looks so cute! (maybe I am biased)

Brady has been on a roll lately with his story telling. Here is an actual conversation we had the other day, and Papa Richard is in trouble for this one (even though he says he doesn't remember telling Brady this)!

Me: Wash your hands and dry them.

Brady (shaking his hands after washing): I don't need to use the towel. This is how Papa did it when he was a little boy like me. He just shaked them so they would dry. That is what he told me.

Me: Which Papa?

Brady: Papa Richard.

Me: Well, you can't always listen to what Papa Richard tells you. Sometimes it might get you in trouble! :)

Brady: Yeah, he is pretty funny sometimes!

Amazing what he comes up with! Papa Richard and Aunt Robin have been in most of the stories lately...not sure if that is such a good thing! :)

Here are some pictures, since it has been so long. My goal is to try to do a better job of updating at least a couple times per week. We will see if that actually happens or not! :)
Having smooties on a Saturday morning, which has become a weekend ritual at our house.
Having smooties on a Saturday morning, which has become a weekend ritual at our house.
Bree is also known as the "Princess" in the Kruger house!

This is his stash of snowballs that we made and Brady was so anxiously waiting for Daddy to come home!


clarkitect said...

Forehead cup rings. Lovin it.

Mandi said...

Haha - what a cute story! I love it when my boys are on a roll with their stories, it's so adorable!
Wow, Bree is looking so much more like a little girl and less like a baby! When did that happen?! Oh yeah, when you WEREN'T BLOGGING ;-) Hehe, just kidding! You kiddos are just adorable, I look forward to more regular updates, since I rarely see you in person!

Stephanie said...

Love the smoothie pics! We usually have smoothies on the weekends too! :)