Friday, April 3, 2009

And so it begins...

Brady has officially started playing sports. While many of you may already know this, soccer is not a huge hit in our house, but Brady is playing this spring (it took some real convincing on my part to get Mike to allow it). I think I had a pretty good argument though. This will be a great opportunity to meet other kids his age in our community and a great way for us to meet other parents in the community. So, his first practice was last night so I made Mike take pictures since I had to be home with Bree, who is doing much better now. He was sure to let me know that he was the ONLY parent taking pictures! :) He already has his first game on Monday evening. Could be interesting! We ventured out today to try to find some shin guards and shoes and a ball (since it has been banned up to this point) that would actually fit our little man. So far, we haven't had any luck finding any shoes that are small enough, and most of the socks with the padding in them are WAY too big, so we ended up buying some shin guards and a ball.

1 comment:

clarkitect said...

Dr. Kruger, I am ashamed of you. Soccer? You enlisted your son in the one world conspiracy? How do you expect to maintain your dignity? I am not surprised by anything anymore after today.