So, here is what is going on. They finished the roof today, but I didn't get to go see it. Mike and Bree went to see it because I spent the afternoon with Brady at the doctor after his fever spiked at 106...that's right, 106! He had a fever this morning, but it went away when I gave him some Tylenol. He didn't act like anything was wrong with him, so we went out for a bit. On our way home, I noticed he was getting lathargic, so we came home and took his temp. It was 104, so I gave him more Tylenol and called the doctor. I waited a little bit and took it again and it was up to 106, so I called the office again, since the nurse hadn't gotten back to me yet, and got an appointment for 4:30, but was told to come in right away. Good thing we went when we did. We didn't get home until 5! By the time we got there, his fever was down to 100.5, so that was good, but they wanted to do a blood culture to check for his white blood cell count. By the way, when we pulled into the parking lot, he puked all over himself, the carseat, and even some on the car. I even had some on me from taking him out of the car, so you can imagine how wonderful that was. Thankfully, Mike had followed us to the doctor so he could take Bree to my wonderful friend, Steph's house. Thank God for her! I totally ruined her plans for the day, but she graciously rearranged her schedule so she could help me out. Anyway, his culture came back high, so we had to do more tests, more blood, only this time from the arm (previously was just a finger prick), a urine analysis, and a chest x-ray. Funny story...the urine test was going to be through a catheter if he couldn't go in the potty, but I told him he would have to get an owie on his penis if he didn't go on the potty. Needless to say, he went on the potty! After all the trauma, we found that he doesn't have pnemonia or a urinary infection. We are still waiting on the other blood tests to come back, so we don't know anything from that. We go back in the morning to do more blood and see if the white count is still high or not. He got a shot of antibiotics, which we aren't sure if we want them to work or not. If they work, then he could have bacterial meningitis and will require more tests. If they don't, then it is probably hand, foot and mouth disease, which is a virus that has to run its course. So after 4.5 hours at the doctor, we still don't know exactly what is going on, but we will hopefully know by tomorrow. Mike will be able to go with me, so that will be a blessing. I know I said it before, but it was such a blessing that Steph was able to take Bree as Brady really needed to have his Mommy focus on him.

As for the house, they finished the roof and put the white paper around the outside to weather proof the house (can't remember the name of the paper). They started working on the stairs, so soon we will be able to get to our basement without trying to climb down through a window. All the braces are gone, so we can walk through the house without tripping over boards. As promised, I am posting pictures of Brady in the ruts. I know they make Mabes (my mom) nervous, but he is not in any danger. :)
I haven't said much about Bree in this post, but

she is still on the go. She is so proud of herself when she pulls herself up on things. She also likes to eat her feet when I am trying to feed her, as you can see in the picture. Tonight is the first night that she would chew on them and laugh because she was tickling herself!
1 comment:
That's awesome that he went in the cup! Cath = no fun at all. And I love having people around to bail you out. It's lovely. Hope your little man's better soon!
Oh - the name of the paper...look at the words all over the outside of your house, Heather!!
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