Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Weekend in Winfield, more house stuff

We had a wonderful time in Winfield this weekend. Saturday was a big day for Brady. He got to ride the golf cart, play with our friend's son all day, and go fishing. Brady caught his first fish. Actually, the first fish on his pole. Last time he went, Papa let Brady reel in the fish he had caught on his big pole. This time, Papa put the pole in for him, and as soon as he took it, there was a fish on it. He reeled it in like it was no big deal, but once it got to shore, he freaked out. He didn't like it and wanted it to go back! Between, our friend's son and Brady, Papa spent most of his time untangling and fixing fishing poles! It was still fun. We also got to eat some morel mushrooms, which I missed out on last year due to being pregnant. Mike got to spend some time on the golf course, and we also spent some time helping my parents put mulch around the new house and what was left went around the old house.

The house is coming along. We went through today and decided where we want all the electrical stuff. The bathtubs are in. They will continue working on plumbing and electrical stuff this week and then insulation and drywall next week. We are now thinking that it will be done the first part of August! It is hard to believe that that is so close. That will be perfect timing since Brady's birthday is in September. Hopefully we can be in and have a big party to celebrate both his birthday and our new house! Bree is turning one in a few weeks, which also seems hard to believe! The time has gone by so fast, but we have either been selling our house, moving or working on our new house since she was about 6 weeks old.
I don't have any pictures of the house, but I thought the second picture was a cute picture of Brady and Bree, and it is hard to get both of them to smile and look at the camera at the same time, so thought I would share it.

1 comment:

kristy & ryan said...

Aww, that's adorable. You have a couple of cute kids there, Heather. :)