Friday, November 6, 2009
Wacky Kids!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Weekly Deals (according to me)
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Long time, no blog!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
A Taste of Our Own Medicine!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Where's Daddy?
Then they would jump on him.
Brady would show off his muscles to let Daddy know he was so tough!
And then they got in some good snuggle time!
How blessed am I to have such a wonderful husband who is a fabulous Daddy to my children! They absolutely adore him and cherish every moment with him and he cherishes every moment he gets with them!
Bree Baking
Friday, April 3, 2009
We weren't sure how the kids would deal with the giant moose because they tend to freak out when they see big people dressed in costumes, but both did okay. However, Bree wasn't going to take her eyes off of the moose!
Bree trying on some of Shelby's shoes. Shelby always says that Bree doesn't like her, but I think Bree had a change of heart this weekend! She wanted Shelby most of the time and didn't let her get too far away from her!
And so it begins...
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Don't eat the baby, Hollie!
Gabe: Remember what is in my mommy's tummy?
Brady: What? (probably thinking Gabe is going to say something about whatever she ate that morning)
Gabe (in his cute little excited voice): A baby. She has a baby in her tummy!
Brady (with an extremely priceless confused look on his face): What?! Did she eat it?
Gabe: No. It is just in there.
Poor Brady is so confused that his friend's mommy has a baby in her stomach and why in the world would she eat a baby! Gotta love a 3-year-olds mind and how it processes things!
Friday, March 20, 2009
The excitement of a 3-year-old (and a 31-year-old)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Has Spring Sprung?
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Pictures, Pictures and MORE Pictures
The kids love to play with Papa!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
The Prodigal Son (according to a 3 year old)
Me: What was the story that Pastor Troy told you tonight?
Brady: It was about crying and being happy. And then he took all the money and then he looked in his bag and the money was all gone. And then he went to the store to find some food and money and then there wasn't any and then he went back to the store and there was some.
Me: What happened after he found food in the bag?
Brady: Cause then he looked and there was some, so he took some home to his Daddy. And then he said, "Tickle, tickle." (not sure what part of the story involves tickling, but according to a 3 year-old, there is tickling!)
Me: Did you run home? (I asked this because one of the teachers told me they ran home when Pastor Troy told them to).
Brady: Yeah. I just had to run home quick with Pastor Troy in the circle. And then, Pastor Troy just throwed me up in the air with Gabe and all my other friends. (Pastory Troy must have been pretty tired after throwing all the friends in the air...there are 20 friends in his class!)
It is so interesting to see what he has to say after he comes out of class, and even when I find it hard to believe, it turns out that he is mostly right when he tells me something. (One time he told me Pastor Troy brought a bird in to the class, and he really had!)
Not sure why she was unhappy, other than that I probably just put her down and she didn't want to be! Not one of my favorites, but still cute. :)
My mom used to do this to my hair when I was younger.
Probably my second favorite. I love putting in multiple ponytails! You can't really see it, but she has two on each side that are connected.
This one is my favorite! However, when you look at her from the back, she looks much older with this hairdo (until you see her little girl bouncy run)!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The white blanket conversation
If you look closely, you will see how nasty the corners look from being chewed on!
Once again, the white blanket is the answer to all sleeping problems! :) Doesn't he look so sweet when he is asleep?!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Once again...
This is his stash of snowballs that we made and Brady was so anxiously waiting for Daddy to come home!